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Never hate anything

You must have hated something for some reason or without any reason. And there are most of time, the hates are without any reason.

In this piece of writing, I am going to tell you never to hate anything or at least try not to. 

When we hate someone or something we are blocking ourselves from exploring them/it. We may be blocking something that may be valuable for us. There is learning in every single step, no matter you succeed in that part or lost that. You learn many valuable things in the process. But hating blocks that. 

Everything has something important aspect associated with it. For example, consider something that you love immensely and there are some people who hate that particular thing too. But you are one who loves it and is fortunate to endorse the beautiful aspect of that particular thing. 

This is not written to make the world a lovely lovely place where there is only affection. There are some aspects too in our surroundings where we do not want to be part of, but being not part of or ignoring is different from hate. This blog is just to make you aware that when you are hating something you may be missing something.


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